Volunteer Opportunities

American Cancer Society
Located in San Diego, California, and offers opportunities to serve your community. Some of the volunteer areas include: administrative and clerical, community events, education and advocacy, fundraising, online and social media, patient services and support, retail and hospitality, and sports and recreation.
American Red Cross
Explore the many volunteer opportunities available including: disaster services, service to the armed forces, blood services, development (fundraising events and activities), communications (media relations and video/written projects), administration (office tasks and organizational needs) and volunteer services (help recruit and screen new volunteers).​
Boys and Girls Clubs
Volunteer in clerical work, fundraising, coaching, or tutoring.
Birch Aquarium
Volunteer roles include: tide pool interpreter, greeter volunteer, school programs assistant, public programs assistant, among others. All positions require attendance at a new applicant Open House which is offered quarterly. Volunteers are asked to make a minimum six month commitment of one 4 hour shift per week and to purchase an annual Volunteer Membership at $30 upon successful completion of the applicant interview. Volunteer member benefits include free unlimited admission for the volunteer, free aquarium passes annually, informative special lectures, and other discounts and exclusive opportunities. Applicants must be at least 16 to be considered for our program.
Children’s Hospitals
Volunteer in gift shops, nursing units, speech and hearing centers, and outpatient care areas.
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older, must provide their own transportation. Provide transportation for seniors to medical-related or other essential appointments, provide a variety of task for seniors who may be homebound or have limited mobility, OR provide an array of services for seniors in an around their homes, including minor home repairs, safety equipment installation and more.
Elementary Institute of Science
The Lab Assistant program provides the opportunity for high school students to volunteer at EIS and get a behind the scenes look at our programs. Lab Assistants are high school student volunteers that assist EIS Instructors, serve as positive role models to students, improve their own STEM content knowledge, and earn volunteer hours. Lab Assistants may volunteer during EIS Saturday programs during the school year (Fall, Winter, or Spring) or during our camps.
Any high school students interested in volunteering as a Lab Assistant should submit an online application. More details can be seen as you scroll down. Applications are evaluated and selections are made prior to the start of every Session or Camp.
FOCAS (Friends of County Animal Shelters - San Diego)
Students, grades 6 through 12, can share their passion for animals by participating in the Kid’s Community Service program during the school year. The month-long programs meet one weekday per week (Middle School meet on Tuesdays OR Thursdays, High School on Wednesdays) from 4:00-5:00 pm.
Questions: 619-685-3536
Food Bank
Anyone who is 11 years of age and older is welcome to volunteer. Training is not required, and there are no time commitments. You may volunteer one time, or on a regular basis. 1 adult must accompany every 4 children ages 11-15 years old.
Questions: Paola Mendoza, Volunteer Scheduling Coordinator, pmendoza@sandiegofoodbank.org
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc.
Be the troop leader that supports girls scouts every week, an advocate for girls in your community, a mentor in your area of expertise, or provide behind-the-scenes support that makes Girl Scouting possible.
Balboa Campus (1231 Upas St. San Diego, CA 92103-5199).
Phone: 619-298-8391. Toll Free: 800-643-4798
Grossmont Hospital
Must be at least 14 years old and in high school*
Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and complete written recommendation form (included in application) from school counselor
*Because of the 1-year commitment, we only accept applications from students in grades 9 through 11. If you are a high school senior, you are welcome to apply to our college or adult program once you have graduated high school.
Volunteer Information: (619) 644-4059, Junior Volunteers: (619) 644-4175
Habitat for Humanity
https://www.sandiegohabitat.org/get-involved/volunteer/ Youth that are 16 years or older may volunteer on a construction site, but may NOT use power tools or work from a height of six feet or more. An adult chaperone for every five youth volunteers is required for construction for youth groups. Individual volunteers who are 16-17 years old may volunteer on their own. Be sure to inform the site superintendent that you are under 18 and turn in your minor volunteer waiver. Youth aged 14-17 are welcome to volunteer at Habitat's ReStores, located in Kearny Mesa, Escondido, and National City. All youth volunteers at the ReStore who are 15 and under require a parent or guardian to volunteer with them.
Questions: Please contact volunteerservices@sandiegohabitat.org
I Love a Clean San Diego
Help maintain San Diego clean through beach cleanups, and other activities. Visit the website for more information. Volunteer Coordinator: (619) 291-0103 ext.3003
E-mail: volunteers@ilacsd.org
Libraries (City of San Diego)
For more information, contact libraryvolunteer@sandiego.gov
Living Coast
The volunteer program brings people ages 16+ with a common interest in nature and conservation together while developing leadership skills, a sense of responsibility, and a desire to give back to the community.
Lutheran Social Services
Volunteers need to be 16 years of age or older, 14 and over ok with permission slips required for office work.
Sample tasks: Caring Neighbors Program – minor home repair and weed abatement, usually done as a group project. If interested, volunteer coordinator needs approximately one month lead time to set up. Thrift Store, Food Pantries and Office Work – available on an individual volunteer basis.
Mama’s Kitchen
Our dedicated team of volunteers makes it possible for Mama’s Kitchen to provide the nutrition and compassion to the men, women and children of San Diego who are affected by AIDS or cancer. Every weekday, our volunteers give their time and energy to prepare meals, pack grocery bags, answer phones and assist our Pantry clients with their shopping.
Minimum age is 16 years. Must attend an orientation during the evening.
3960 Home Avenue, SD, CA 92105
Telephone: (619) 233-6262
Meals on Wheels
Deliver meals, support our operations in the offices and at events, and keep seniors healthy and independent in their own homes. Must have a driver 18 years and up.
Mission Trails Regional Park
Visitor center staff, visitor center gift shop, visitor center library, trail guide, volunteer patrol, trail crew, habitat improvement team and beautification crew.
If you are interested in participating in any of the programs/projects listed below please contact David Lee at 619-668-3278, you may also email David at dlee@mtrp.org
Ocean Discovery Institute
We welcome all types of volunteers, from parents to scientists. Our volunteer opportunities range from single-day activities where you can restore an urban canyon to year-long mentoring of students as they prepare for college.
Pro Kids Golf
Provides, at no charge, inner-city children and youth how to play golf. In addition, they provide homework assistance, tutoring and computer literacy assistance. Application necessary to volunteer. Ages 13 – 17, assist with clerical duties, golf program assistance (clean up and classes).
Contact: Rachel Evans, Education and Volunteer Specialist (619) 582-7884
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Ages 15 and up. All volunteers (excluding camp counselors) start as a Museum Ambassador and have the opportunity to cross train into another department after three mentorship shifts. Starting as a Museum Ambassador offers an extended orientation to the Fleet and empowers volunteers to succeed in other volunteer positions.
Questions: volunteerservices@rhfleet.org
(619) 238-1233 ext. 835
Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House - San Diego (2929 Children’s Way, San Diego CA 92123)
(858) 467-4750
Red Cross
Perform clerical work or assist in local fundraising events
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center
The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center (RJKCCC) is family support, education, recreation, and cultural arts center. Donate your time and talent.
San Diego County Libraries
Perform various task such as shelving, organizing, and detailing books
San Diego Humane Society
Requirements to volunteer at the San Diego Campus:
At our San Diego Campus, volunteers ages 14 or 15 can volunteer if accompanied by a parent or guardian, who is also an approved volunteer, at all times while volunteering. Volunteers aged 16 or older may volunteer unaccompanied.
All volunteers must complete a Volunteer Info Session, small group Service Planning Session and an individual mentored shift prior to volunteering solo. This training series typically takes 1-3 weeks after the Info Session and is designed to set our volunteers up for success!
San Diego Campus (5500 Gainess Street, SD, CA, 92110) Telephone: 619.299.7012.
For more information about Youth Service Opportunities, email edu@sdhumane.org.
San Diego Natural History Museum
Provides a scientific, educational institution dedicated to the study of the natural world, e.g. plants, animals, geology. Volunteers will help with guests. An on-line application is available, minimum age is 15, age requirements vary by department.
San Diego Zoo
Volunteer: https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/jobs/volunteer
We are currently recruiting for Information Ambassadors at both parks as well as for help maintaining several of the Safari Park gardens. For more details on volunteering in select Safari Park gardens contact Andy at 760-738-5061. Must be 18 or older.
Internships: http://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/content/internships
Sharp HospiceCare
We have an extraordinary teen volunteer program at Sharp HospiceCare that provides a very rewarding experience for our patients, their families and the teens themselves. The dedication and enthusiasm the teens show for the lives of our patients — and the comfort they bring to those they touch — has become a moving and remarkable aspect of Sharp HospiceCare.
Our teen volunteers receive the same level of training as our adult volunteers, and they provide support to our staff and patients at all of our hospice homes: LakeView Home, ParkView Home and Bonita View Home.
Sharp Hospitals
Run errands or medical staff, offer clerical assistance and visit patients
South Bay Community Service (SBCS)
Volunteers of all ages help SBCS expand and enhance programs and services for families in need. Becoming a volunteer is also personally and professionally rewarding. Not only will you create a lasting impact in the lives of others, but you will acquire valuable work experience and network with many people in your community. We will help you find the best program or activity to match your skills, talents, wishes and time availability. Individual, group and youth volunteers are welcome.
St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center
Volunteer opportunities include: assist in one of our many classrooms, help in our 2 acre garden, assist our students in our Jr. Olympic sized swimming pool, come have lunch with students to help with lunchtime duties, assist our art gallery with different mediums or art, help with general facility maintenance of our 5 acre campus.
We are always in need of volunteers to help with a variety of activities and events. For more information, contact Erica Macht at (619) 442-5129, ext. 121 or emacht@stmsc.org
St. Vincent de Paul Village
Serve in food kitchen, help fundraise, participate in food drives.
General Information: (619) 645-6411,
Email: volunteer@neighbor.org
Perform various activities such as reading to children or leading classes