What is the right college for you?
Take some time to understand the following higher education opportunities and start thinking which one fits you the best!

University of California (UC)
Exploring UC Campuses
UC Application's Personal Insight Questions (PIQs):
​Information and guidance regarding PIQs
PIQ Worksheet (to help you decide which questions to select)
The UC application period opens August 1st. However, you will not be able to submit your application until November 1st-30th
UC Application Center
The UC Application provides help and support throughout each section of the application. View frequently asked questions, definitions or explanations on each page of the app. by clicking ‘Help’ the blue ‘i’ icon. If you need further assistance, contact the UC Application Center (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm)
(800) 207-1710 (within the U.S.)
(925) 298-6856 (outside the U.S.)
California State University (CSU)
Exploring CSU Campuses
CSU Cost of Attendance by Campus
Search and compare CSU Degrees
The CSU application period is October 1st to November 30th
Private Universities/Colleges
Exploring Private Universities and Colleges
Visit the Common App
Steps for applying to college
Visit the Black Common App
Learn what private universities look for in a student