Student Organizations
College is a great time to participate in student organizations that focus on your interests!

What is a student organization?
A student organization is a student-run association that promotes common interests and engages all sorts of students. It is a great way to feel involved on campus and in college life.
You might be interested in recreation, honors societies, cultural groups, professional development organizations, multicultural societies—or maybe starting your own student organization.
While the range and variety of student societies on offer are vast, most fall into the following seven categories:

1. Academic and Educational
These are the most common types of student organizations. You will find them at any university depending on the fields of study.
2. Community Service
There are many opportunities for students to get involved within the community and engage in civic activities.
3. Media and Publication
Suppose you want to work on your creative writing skills. In that case, you could join your college or university's student newspaper or magazine.
4. Political or Multicultural
There are many cultural and ethnic societies you can join to network with people from the same background as you or who share a similar view of the world.
5. Recreation and Sports
Any sport you are keen on or any hobby you might have, you will find a club or organization of students who have the same passions.
6. Student Government
Suppose you want to get more involved and make sure you and your classmates have input when the school's board makes critical decisions. In that case, you may want to check out a student government society.
7. Religious and Spiritual
Many faith-based societies are formed by students who want to keep in touch with their culture and network with others from the same background. This can be especially important if you are far away from home.
Benefits of joining a student organization
Participating in student organizations on campus is an excellent opportunity to get involved, meet people, and gain valuable leadership experiences and skills. In addition, getting involved with student organizations can help you better engage in campus life and enhance your overall student experience. Some of the benefits include:
Meeting people with similar interests
Developing your Leadership Skills
Access to Career Development & Resources
Learning how to work with a diverse team
Giving back to the community
Practicing Time Management
Networking Opportunities
Expand your resume
Interpersonal Skills
Have fun!
Things to consider
What do you care about? (This can be people, places, causes, events, trends, cultures, etc.)
What skills, knowledge, or insights do you want to develop?
What energizes you or restores your well-being?
Is the student organization about something you care about and want to continue with?
Is the student organization about something you are interested in but have yet to try?
Is the student organization about something that advances your academic or professional interests?
How often does the organization meet?
Is there a membership fee?
What opportunities exist for me to hold a leadership position?
What activities does the organization plan?
What made current members join a specific organization?
What fun activities does the organization offer?
Try narrowing the list of possibilities to just a few organizations or involvements that genuinely align with your goals, passions, and hobbies.
If you cannot find something you are interested in, consider starting your own student organization!
Searching for Student Organizations
Visit your college's website and/or associated student's website.
Attend their Open House or Kick-Off event at the beginning of each semester. You can also join during open officer meetings or participate in their events!
If you are going to a CSU, click the button to learn more about the range of programs and activities offered at each campus.