Office Hours
Office hours give students a chance to establish a relationship with their professors, which can be beneficial when struggling in a class.

What are office hours?
Professors and teaching assistants will schedule time outside of class to meet with their students and answer any of their questions. You may also discuss class material, majors, summer internships, graduate school, or any other related interests you have. Think of office hours as an opportunity that will benefit you more than just simply passing a class.
Most professors will not require their students to attend office hours. Instead, they expect students to come in when they need help or clarification on a particular topic. Therefore, an excellent way to prepare for office hours is to attempt your homework or review your notes to identify what you do not understand. In addition, by going to office hours, you will get to know your professor.
Many students do not take advantage of this. It is likely that after attending office hours your professor recognizes you in class. They may share more detailed information about your career or field of study as well as opportunities during the office hours.
A professor may have open hours for a couple of hours at a time or more, you don't have to be present for all. Its a first-come, first-served basis but you might also be able to make an appointment for a specific time within the office hours.
To make the most of your time with your professor or instructor during office hours, as a student, you should:
Study your textbook and any lecture notes thoroughly and attempt any assigned homework before going to office hours.
​Try and pinpoint specific questions or concepts you wish to talk about during office hours.
Be prepared for your instructors to ask you questions about the class material. They do this to see what you understand, so as to provide information and strategies to help you through the specific material you're having trouble with.
Remember to be patient; many students come to office hours at the same time. Use the time to listen to other students' questions and to study the material.
Avoid waiting until the day before the exam or before an assignment is due to seek help. Instead, study a little bit each day, and keep up with your homework assignments.
Use other resources such as study groups and college tutors.
Stay positive! Your attitude will go a long way in determining how well you do in a course.